Critical Reading and Writing at Parsons School of Design is a freshman level class that introduces fundamental frameworks for interpreting design and strengthens students ability to employ these approaches in academic essays. In the first section of the course we focus on Ethics.  We explore this topic from the perspective of our personal lives as well as from our roles and responsibilities as designers and artists. We expand our vision in Production and Consumption as we reflect on the larger forces at work in our consumerist society and the designer’s functions within it. Finally, we analyze the major social categories that designs both reinforce and challenge in Gender, Race, and Class.

Graduate Seminar, Masters Thesis Class at the University at Albany is the last class graduate students take in their MFA program. In this course, we develop artist statements, a masters thesis and prepare for other professional contexts where artists speak about their artwork.

Graduate Seminar, Art Criticism in the Post Modern Era at the University at Albany covers two concepts; what is art criticism and why has it changed in the Post-Modern era. As the students in this class are artists, working towards their MFA, they need to understand the role of the art critic and the different formats, agendas, and perspectives from which criticism is written. Our goal is not to learn to write criticism per say, but more to understand the myriad ways that criticism shapes public understanding of the contemporary art world.