Mariah Doren has a Doctorate in the College Teaching of Art and Design from Columbia University, an MFA in photography from Pratt Institute, and a BA in Architecture and Urban Studies from Bryn Mawr College. She is the Assistant Provost for Curriculum and Learning at The New School. Her work is a mix of studio practice, research, and teaching, carefully woven and intermixed such that each component feeds and supports the others. Mariah has a studio practice based in photography that includes collage work combining printmaking, drawing, and photographs that have been part of recent exhibitions at the New Britain Museum of American Art and Site Gallery in Brooklyn, NY.  Mariah’s writing centers on teaching, most recently with a co-authored book titled Let's Talk about Critique: Reimagining Art and Design Education (Intellect Press/University of Chicago-2023) and "Assessment as Learning" in Introduction to Design Education: Theory, Research, and Practical Applications for Educators by Steven Faerm (Rutledge 2022).  Recent articles include "Teaching Re-seeing: Deploying archives in art and design education in Visual Inquiry; Learning and Teaching Art and “Working Collaboratively-Teaching Collaboration” in Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy. She is a board member of the National Council of Arts Administrators, has run workshops at the College Art Association and the National Association of Arts Administrators, presented papers at AICAD, International Journal of Design Education Conference, and Digitally Engaged Learning. She teaches Teaching Design at Parsons and before this has taught courses on Pedagogy, Master’s Thesis, Photography, and Cross-disciplinary studio/seminar courses in art and design at Parsons, SUNY Purchase, SUNY Albany, Columbia University, and Central Michigan University. 

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